Most of the time, we use our phones to quickly check messages, respond to texts, or call a friend. But did you know that you can also use your phone’s camera for better photography? And it’s easier than you think!
Jump right in
When you’re snapping photos with your phone, everything around you is blurred. That’s because the image you’re taking is in a tiny focus plane.

What you’re really seeing is an out-of-focus periphery of the scene. You can improve the quality of your photos by jumping right in and snapping photos in low light. When you’re out in the dark, point your camera’s flash toward the ceiling or walls. This will act as a soft, albeit artificial, light source.
Be aware of your surroundings
When you’re taking photos with your phone, you’re no longer limited to your surroundings. You can take photos in any environment — any place that’s accessible to a phone camera. This includes indoor spaces and outdoor settings.
However, indoor photos aren’t always great because the colors are muted and the light source is often from overhead. To get the most out of indoor photos, use a flash or use a macro setting on your phone’s camera to get up close.
You can also take photos with the sun behind you, which helps to wash out the ambient light of the space. For outdoor photos, avoid the golden hour (the time of the day when the sun is at its most intense in the sky) and low light. Instead, take photos in the morning or just after sunset to capture more color and intensity.
Frame your shot
When you’re shooting photos with your phone, you’re usually looking through its lens at a small focus plane. To make your photos more interesting, add more depth to the frame. A simple way to add more depth to your shot is to frame your subject in front of a focal object.
For example, if you’re taking photos of friends, search for something that you can use as a background — a wall, a building, a tree — to give your photos a focal point. A visual frame guides the viewer’s eye through your photo, making it more interesting.
Look for other ways to frame your shots within the scene as well. For example, you might want to frame a person with a decorative wall or floor or compose a shot so that the horizon lines up with a taller object. Framing your shots can add depth and interest to your images.
Be selective with your settings
One of the best things about taking photos with your phone is that you can often get away with lower-quality images. When you’re shooting photos with your phone, you’re usually shooting at a low resolution and a low ISO.
This means that you don’t have to worry about getting any glare from the light source (you’re usually just shooting in low light) or any noise that comes from the sensor (you’re usually shooting at a wide aperture). This means that your photos are usually sharp but without a lot of detail.
To get more out of your low-quality photos, be selective with your settings. Try to shoot in RAW and JPG modes, and use filters (such as a black and white filter) when you can to give your photos more depth.
Look for different perspectives
People take photos for many reasons, but the most common is to share a moment with others. To make your photos more engaging, try to find new ways to add interest and context to your photos. For example, try to look for new ways to frame your shots and find new ways to add context to your images.
For example, try to find a way to include an object from the scene that tells the story behind the photo. Or try to add something from your own life, such as a necklace or a pair of shoes, to your image.
Experiment with depth of field

One of the most basic ways you can use your cellphone camera to improve your photography is to experiment with your depth of field. The depth of field is the distance in front of and behind your subject that appears sharp in your photo.
Use a tripod when you can
Most good cameras, including your cellphone camera, have the option to have your images shot in RAW format. This is a format that includes more data than the JPG format that most phones store images.
RAW images are better suited for editing and are usually more detailed than JPG images. To get the most out of your photos and to be able to edit your photos more easily, shoot in RAW. You can also shoot in RAW and JPG modes so that you can easily share your photos with others.
Wrapping up
Phone cameras can be powerful tools for creating great photos. When you’re taking photos with your phone, try jumping right in and using your phone’s camera without thinking too much about it. This will help you to get the most out of your phone’s camera while also limiting the time you have to spend taking photos.
When you’re out in the wild taking photos, be aware of your surroundings and try to frame your shots with more depth. When you’re inside, look for ways to frame your shots and add more depth to your images. When you’re experimenting with your depth of field, try to use a tripod when you can. And finally, shoot in RAW and JPG modes when you can to get the most out of your photos.